Friday 23 January 2015

New stash

Just a post to welcome my new follower Catherine. I hope you visited again soon. Well been very naughty. I was watching Barbara gray an Create and craft and I seem to have ordered a lot of new stash lol. I have yet to try and of it out as have been a tad busy. As they say though watch this space, There are lady stencils. Stamps and brushes, Latest Stash . Clarity stencils stamps and brushes photo m_12345678DSCF7529.jpg


  1. Fab stash Lilian, looking forward to seeing you break the seal on that little lot! ENJOY


  2. I will most definitely be back Lilian. Wow these look fabulous and looking forward to seeing what you do with them
    x catherine

  3. Thank you Kathy, I am hoping to get some seals broken over the weekend.


Thanks so much for visiting, I enjoy reading your comments, a positive comment are so uplifting


May arrives

A friend rang up Saturday and asked if I wanted to go to Monkey world I said oh yes please,. It was a lovely sunny day and had a lot of fun ...